Leveraging the full potential of negotiations with Data Science



My Negotiation Awakening

The journey I have been on for the last 15 years is what I like to refer to as my “Negotiation Awakening”: Realizing how incredibly powerful the field of negotiation truly is while at the same time being painfully aware, that given the endless depth and complexity of negotiation, it will be a lifelong learning endeavor.

Where does negotiation actually start and where does it end? To answer this question, I would like to quote the German Football Coach Sepp Herberger: “Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel!“ which translates to “After the match is before the match”, meaning we are constantly in negotiations.

I have learned, that being a negotiator also comes with great responsibility and privilege. The outcome of the overall negotiation result will have a direct impact on your business with each and every percentage point you improve. No extra investment or additional resources needed – the results of your negotiations will show on your bottom line at the end of the year. For the better or worse. This is why good negotiation capabilities are crucial for the success of any company.

The Importance of Power in Negotiations – read the full article here!

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